20 X 30 Magma Layout
Item NameIdCount
50 inch LCD screen 50 inch LCD screen4
arm light arm light10
Basic Plants Basic Plants1
Bullnose Counter Left Bullnose Counter Left2
bullnose counter right bullnose counter right1
Circa Coffee table Circa Coffee table1
circa inner chair circa inner chair2
Circa Inner-Loveseat 60 Circa Inner-Loveseat 601
Computer Keyboard Computer Keyboard1
computer_laptop computer_laptop2
entertainment center two_door entertainment center two_door1
Flat Screen Monitor Flat Screen Monitor1
Glass Table Glass Table2
James Leaning James Leaning1
James sits on stool James sits on stool1
james_sitting_conversing james_sitting_conversing1
James standing talking James standing talking1
Jessi hand shake Jessi hand shake 1
jessi sitting jessi sitting1
Kate sitting Kate sitting1
Laser Printer Laser Printer1
Magma 4ft Wide Panel Magma 4ft Wide Panel4
Magma Narrow 2ft Panel Magma Narrow 2ft Panel2
magma plexi panel magma plexi panel3
Magma plexi Shadowbox panel Magma plexi Shadowbox panel9
Magma short header Magma short header1
Magma Tall 4ft Wide Magma Tall 4ft Wide2
Magma Tall Open Top panel Magma Tall Open Top panel2
Magma Wide Header Magma Wide Header1
Perch Stool Perch Stool4
plant_potted_sm plant_potted_sm1
Reception Corner Reception Corner1
Scale Bar Scale Bar1
Other Layouts by this author
Mark Mitchell
20 X 30 Magma Layout
Check out this floor plan layout that I created with ExhibitCore Floor Planner.
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